Before you Order
We will need the following information to ensure your order is accurate:
- Name of the person purchasing the concrete. If you intend to be invoiced for the concrete you'll need to apply for credit – unless you already have an account with us. Alternatively, you can pay by credit card. (Such sales should be paid before delivery unless you have made other arrangements with Higgins Concrete).
- Clearly state the day and time you want your concrete delivery to arrive. Usually orders can be made the day before delivery but more notice is better.
- Please tell us the address for your concrete delivery.
- Provide the volume of concrete required. Refer to our concrete calculator for assistance in determining the volume.
- State the grade / strength of concrete and the nominal aggregate size plus any other special additives.
- State what slump is required on delivery. (Slump is the level of concrete consistency).
- Tell us if the concrete is to be pumped and by who.
- Give us the name and contact details of the person who is placing the concrete.
- If more than one load is required, tell us how much time is required between loads.
- Provide us with an order number if you require it to be on your invoice.
- You may cancel the order at any time before delivery, provided that we have not started to batch your order. This is usually about an hour before it is due on site (depending on the travel time). Any concrete that has been batched will be your responsibility for payment.
Advice on Delivery Day
Here's some advice for delivery day:
- It's your responsibility to provide clear and safe site access for the concrete delivery vehicle. The ground must be stable with an access width of 2.6m and an access height of 3.6m. Please ensure there are no overhead cables or any other obstructions in the way of our vehicle.
- Please check the docket details to confirm the correct amount has been delivered and sign it to show proof of delivery.
- Unless you have made a prior arrangement with the dispatch office, COD payment is required before concrete can be discharged (see 'Before you Order' #1 above).
- Higgins have a 10minute/m³ discharge rate. Requesting a slower discharge rate may result in a waiting time charge. Please advise.
- Always make sure the final load is sufficient to finish the job. If your final load is not enough to finish the job and you request more, you will be charged extra.
- If you add water to the concrete, it must be in accordance with NZS3104 and NZS3109 and must not exceed 10 litres/m³. Excess water added is detrimental to concrete strength and durability, and will invalidate the warranty. You will be required to authorise this by signing the space provided on the delivery / discharge docket.